CAB and By-laws

Baltimore Public Media’s Community Advisory Board ("CAB") serves as a vehicle for outreach to the communities served by WYPR, WTMD, and its affiliate stations.  It advises the station regarding programming and other matters affecting the community.  It has no managerial responsibilities or authority.  

The CAB meets bi-monthly from September through June, generally within a few days after the Board of Directors meeting. In addition to discussing Baltimore Public Media's operations and requesting feedback, representatives of the stations frequently make presentations to the CAB about their programs, content, and projects.

Additionally, CAB members have begun a series of conversations between WYPR's news and programming departments and members of the community for the purpose of informing WYPR's content creators about important issues in the community and the views of its citizens. This work provides new connections to the community for the news department and leads to segments on Midday and On The Record as well as other programs. This series of outreach meetings is called Community Conversations (also known as ascertainment) where different organizations present to the Baltimore Public Media staff, CAB, Board of Directors, and volunteers to share what they are doing successfully in our communities.

Community Advisory Board Purpose and Requirements
Community Advisory Boards, like Baltimore Public Media's CAB, are required to be formed pursuant to the federal law that established the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. The purpose of the CAB is to advise the station with respect to whether the programming and other policies of the station are meeting the specialized educational and cultural needs of the communities served by the station. The CAB is permitted to review the programming goals established by Baltimore Public Media, the service provided by Baltimore Public Media, and the significant policy decisions rendered by Baltimore Public Media. The CAB may make non-binding recommendations to Baltimore Public Media's management.

CAB members are a volunteer group of interested citizens and listeners who are appointed by Baltimore Public Media's Board of Directors. The CAB is required to meet at regular intervals. The CAB deliberates independently of station management and the Board of Directors.  It determines its agenda and elects its leadership.

CAB By-laws

Community Advisory Board (CAB) Meetings 2024-2025
October 2, 2024
December 4, 2024
February 5, 2025
April 2, 2025
June 11, 2025

CAB meetings begin at 6:00 PM and will be held virtually and in person rotating between WYPR and WTMD buildings. All meetings are open to the public.

If you'd like to attend a meeting of Baltimore Public Media's Community Advisory Board, please contact Maricka Oglesby at or (410) 235-1382.

CAB Committee Meetings

Community Conversations/Ascertainment (Meetings begin at 4:00 PM)
October 22, 2024
April 29, 2025

CAB Recruitment Committee (Meetings begin at 4:00 PM) 
February 11, 2025
March 18, 2025
April 15, 2025

List of CAB Members

Wendy Jeffries, Chair

Jennifer Lavella, Vice Chair

Tammy C. Black, Secretary

Drew Alfgren

Alicia Arbaje

Ruth Coleman

Kevin DaSilva

Caroline Devereaux

Clementine Fujimura

Mia Gogel

Tia Goodson

Kelly Gray

Virginia Green

Kristin Herber

Susan Holmes

Tom Klassen

Alex Levas

Margaret Mitchell

Don Palmer

Stephen Parnes

Alan Smith-Hicks

Sally Stanfield

Haowei Tong

Michael Williams III

Kevin Yang, CFA